Translations - please contact me to discuss your project

Below you will find details of some of the translation projects I have been involved in and links to the companies or associations (where appropriate).

Since 2014 I have worked with the University of Angers on a number of projects related to Equestrian Tourism, the most significant of which was an article by Sylvine Pickel Chevalier for a book on Rural Tourism. You can see the information on the Cambridge Scholars Publishing website by clicking here:




In 2007 I was asked to translate a visitors' guide into English for the  "Loups de Chabrières". This is available at the entrance to the park for English-speaking tourists to carry around with them and allows them to interpret the information boards situated at strategic points during the visit.


The document contains information about the behaviour, reproductive cycle and feeding habits of the wolves and includes descriptions of the body language visible during the visit.


You can visit the park's website by clicking here:




I have worked on a number of projects for Scania over the last 15 years. These have included legal documents, recruitment reports, appriasals and menus for corporate entertaining. I have also worked closely with the Ergonomic Safety officer in the company to product English language versions of her reports regarding the suitability of workstations within the factory for people with specific physical requirements.


The majority of these documents are confidential and require specific vocabulary which needs to be concise but also easy to understand when being read by Swedish or Dutch colleagues.







In early 2007 I was asked to prepare a visitors' guide into English for the "Maison de Loire en Anjou". This is available at the entrance to the exhibition for English-speaking tourists to carry around with them and provides an English version of the information boards in each room.


You can visit the exhibition's website by clicking here:

In May 2011 I prepared an English version of Vincent Capillaire's website. Vincent is a qualified racing driver, based in Le Mans, who divides his time between various race series, driver tuition and vehicle testing.


Below is his website. 


I also work regularly on a variety of projects for Angers University (technical document proof reading), Angers Teaching Hospital (poster presentations and articles for peer-reviewed medical journals), Terrena (conference brochures and Powerpoint translations) and CVs for people working in management, logistics and political sciences.